13 Chakra Meditation

n my regular Reiki sessions, I find it more beneficial to direct my focus toward my chakras rather than specific areas in my body. I've come to learn that there are 13 main chakras, as opposed to the commonly known 7. I'd like to briefly introduce these chakras and share my meditation approach for each one. I have a specific process to help me focus my energy more effectively. Before and after performing reiki on each chakra, I draw one tarot card for each chakra. This helps me understand what areas need attention, where I have improved, and what still needs work. Additionally, I use crystals to represent each chakra. During reiki, I use a brass pendulum to check if each chakra has opened and activated. If I don't feel a pull, I use the pendulum for reassurance, although I usually trust my intuition.

The Earth Gateway chakra, located about 16 inches below the feet, signifies our connection to the Earth. When opened and activated, it can evoke a sensation of roots extending deep into the earth, akin to that of a majestic, ancient tree. I like to visualize my roots as going all the way to the Earth's center focus point, the core I usually begin to feel very warm and comforted by Gaia. The crystal used for this chakra was iron.

The Earth Star chakra is located about 12 inches below the feet and represents unity in all things. When opened, this chakra feels like roots extending down from the knees through the other chakras. I usually work my way up from the bottommost chakras to the topmost, and this is the second stop on the 13-chakra journey we are on. For this chakra I used Flourite.

Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine. Most of you will have your own experiences with this chakra, and it is familiar to you because it is often the first chakra we unlock as children. When opening and connecting to the other chakras, it feels like roots extending from the tail down through the chakras. For this chakra, I preferred snowflake obsidian for concentration.

The sacral chakra is located where the sexual organs are situated within the body and is generally associated with the lumbar spine. This area usually becomes warm or cool when activated and opened. For me, it is usually a warm sensation that travels both up and down my other chakras, similar to the sensation of drinking hot cacao. I used Sunstone for this chakra.

The Solar Plexus is located in the gut, at the mid-spine. This chakra serves as the foundation for willpower and intuition. When it is opened and activated, it feels like being in sync with the universe, and helps to improve the connection every time you trust your intuition. I liked using Garnet for this chakra.

The heart chakra is located on the left side of the chest, where your actual heart is positioned. To open this chakra, allow your Reiki practice to focus on love and forgiveness, softening your heart. It will then open up and connect to your other chakras, allowing you to feel a warm, glowing sensation running up and down your spine and extending beyond your feet. To open the heart I used emerald here.

The Throat chakra is located in the thyroid area. To open this chakra, you must allow yourself to communicate and express your true self. I prefer journaling for this exercise, but during Reiki, I like to focus on something difficult to admit to myself. I work through acceptance of that issue to move on to the next chakra. This usually feels like I've had a drink of hot tea down my throat, into my belly, and down to my feet. To fortify my throat I used Blue Kyanite.

The Third Eye chakra is located between the eyes in the mid-forehead, and it is where I usually begin to visually see my Reiki as I do it. I see amorphous clouds of color and shape through my third eye. This chakra is where we find a vision for our lives and gain wisdom from the universe and our guides. My favorite guide is Master Usui, and I ask him to join me in my sessions nearly every time. For this chakra, I used a dark Brazillian amethyst.

The crown chakra is located at the top of the head. This chakra represents divine oneness and can become congested if one does not clear and quiet the mind before practicing reiki. I ask Master Usui to quiet my thoughts and help me focus, and he usually obliges. When this chakra opens, it feels like divine light is pouring into my skull from above and shooting out of the top of my head like a fountain of light. I prefer citrine for my crown chakra.

The Soul Star chakra is located about 12 inches above the head. I like to imagine this chakra as being like the diamond above the head of a sim in the video game The Sims. This chakra is associated with enlightenment and transcendence. When opened and activated, it feels like being in a third-person mode in a video game, where you can see yourself from an outside perspective and still control your body. This chakra likes lepidolite.

The Stellar Gateway chakra is located about 16 inches above the head and controls astral projection as well as communication. When activated, it can feel like unlocking a "fifth person" mode, where you can see your own body from an outside perspective. From this vantage point, you may also perceive the world around you from a position above and to one side. Additionally, you may spiritually perceive other places around you, even if they are not physically present. I also used Lepidolite here.

The Universal Gateway chakra is situated about 18 inches above the head. This powerful energy center opens us to the universal flow, enabling us to perceive beings from other dimensions that are usually beyond our awareness. Connecting with this chakra feels like being enveloped in a profound, nourishing stream of cosmic energy and light from the universe and higher realms. Again here I used Lepidolite.

The Cosmic Gateway is located about 24 inches above the head. When this chakra is opened and activated, it allows us to connect with soul fragments, and light beings like gods, angels, spiritual guides, and ancestors. Initially, it may feel like a significant energetic download, but once opened, it becomes easier to handle the vast amounts of knowledge coming to us from the universe and divine entities. For this final chakra, I used a Large smokey quartz point.

Guest Author: Hannah Ochoa


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